In 2016, petroleum products supplied 37 percent of America’s total primary energy consumption. Out of that, 71 percent was used for transportation and 23 percent went to industrial applications, with the rest used for residential and electric power applications. In the transportation sector, the vast majority of energy is supplied…
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Biomass cofiring with coal, when combined with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS), can remove atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) because the CO2 consumed during biomass growth is not released back into the atmosphere after combustion. Cofiring biomass with coal can also contribute to compliance with renewable portfolio standards (RPS) and the…
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Energy resources for rural electrification are variable and widely dispersed, so a solution for one region might not be appropriate for another. That’s particularly true when it comes to the electrical needs of rural areas in developing countries. These communities often are either isolated from the grid or pursuing electricity…
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Fossil fuels supply over 80 percent of the world’s primary energy and more than two-thirds of the world’s electricity. Of this, coal alone accounts for 40 percent of the global electricity supply. Though coal is well-distributed globally and provides stable and reliable energy on demand, it emits a large amount of…
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